Monday, June 14, 2010

More updates on Maisie

Maisie has been back to her usual antics of suckling on the ear. Going to have to work on that. I'm not enjoying the 6 AM wake-ups. Other than that she's eating normally, again. She had a bout of vomitting last week from eating too much. Lost a little weight, but not anything to worry about.

We've found she seems to be on a perpetual search for warm spots. Today's winner was the steamer my mother uses to steam the wood floors with.

She still follows me wherever I go. She's even gotten into the habit of standing on her hind legs when she wants to be picked up.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Eventful...yet typical

Last night was a major break-through with Maisie's suckling. I had to wear headphones to keep her from my ears (believe me, she tried her best to get those things off). Everytime she went to suckle alternatives (nose, chin, eyelids) I'd tap her nose and tell her "No". Eventually she stretched out on my chest (I was lying on my back, reading) and let out a heavy sigh and went to sleep. She did end up suckling my finger later, which surprised me because she refused before.

I spent my noon-time hauling rocks back and forth across the street. The neighbors had taken out their water garden and have promised us the flat rocks for a path my mother and I are building. The caretakers of the dog down the street kept wanting to come with me. I had to keep taking the dog back to their yard so she wouldn't try crossing the street. Her owner was jealous that the dog was following me and not him.

While I was looking through the neighbor's rocks this big frog (my amateur herpetological eye deemed it to be a leopard frog) hopped out. I put it in a pan of water until I got the chance to take it to the creek down the street and let it join its amphibious brethren.

Friday, June 4, 2010

All about Maisie...

Maisie will have been with us for two weeks tomorrow. She's already adapting well to the house. Her first week here she had upset stomach with vomitting and diarrhea due to a diet change, but is adjusted fine now after some homeopathic medicines from the vet. Now we just have to break her of her ear-suckling. Everyday about 3 AM I receive a rude awakening in the form of teeth and kitty saliva on my tragus (that triangular part of the inner ear).

She's playful, but doesn't seem to be attached to any particular toys. Her pastime seems to be finding warm places to sleep. Her two favorites appear to be either the computer keyboard or the floor of the kitchen. She settles right in the square of sunlight from the kitchen window.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

First Post!

I've been reading a lot about blogs and thought I'd try my hand at one. What would I blog about? I love animals and share my life with so many so I thought I'd start there. Having just adopted a brand new kitten seemed the perfect reason to begin.

Currently we have two cockatiels, Aug (M) and Baby (F); a New Zealand White rabbit named Bunnicula (M) and a Netherland Dwarf rabbit named Rhapsody (F). Over the years we've had cats, birds (even a little sparrow), hedgehogs, guinea pigs, hamsters, and once a rat.

Maisie is the newest member. A tabby kitten we adopted from a local rescue organization.p[j[mtttttttttttttttttttttttttttvvp7 (<== That's Maisie's input). We're not sure how old she is. My guess is about 7 weeks. I'll share more about her soon.

Have a zoo-pendous day!